Thursday, February 12, 2009

And who's this pretty girl

I know ya'll were wondering where my dog babies were.......

I couldn't leave Oli out

Well I can't talk about Isi and not Oli. Oli is doing a little better than Isi, but not much. She is 2lbs bigger, but thats not much since when they were born there was only 1 1/2lbs difference. Both girls are cooing A LOT and very happy despite being sick. Thank the lord for that! Who looks like their daddy?


Well I know I am blogging out of order, but most of ya'll know the story. I just wanted to update ya'll with how the girls are doing. We are a little worried about Isi at this time. I went back to work at the beginning of January and the girls went into daycare. Almost immediately, they both got sick. They both developed an ugly cough and congestion. I could hear this raspy noise in their throats. Luckily it was not RSV (or at least at the time we tested them) and they were both diagnosed with acute upper respiratory infections and ear infections. I know ya'll are all thinking that I'm lucky to have a doctor in the house. Well yes I am, but it can also be a curse. My girls are on so many meds! I think I'm descently smart, but there are so many meds I can't keep them all straight. I had to get Steve to write them all down. Anywho, we have been weighing both girls every week since they were born. Another thing one does when there is a doctor in the house. We have to go up to the clinic and weigh them every week. Both girls were gaining like crazy in the begining. Around the begining of the year, their weight gain slowed. Isi has been right at 8lbs. 15oz. - 9lbs for the last 5-6 weeks. She has never made it on the growth chart. Long story short, Isi hasn't gained weight since then. I know they have been sick, and some of this can be contributed to the illness. However, she should have gained something. Steve and I are very concerned. Steve is really taking it hard as he is a doctor and can't figure out what is wrong with his child or make her better. Oli weighs around 11lbs now and she actually lost weight last week. She is in the 10th percentile on the growth chart. Both sweeties are still sick, but I'm finally starting to see a little improvement. I took Isi back to Dr. Dave` (pediatric gastroinerologist) last week because she was smelling sour again and obviously not gaining weight. She is wonderful by the way! Dr. Dave` upped her prevacid dose and scheduled another assessment with Robin Elkin, OT. She is wonderful too! This will be the 2nd time we've seen Robin and she really helped us last time. This is when we put both girls on thickner (this is a tasteless gel that is mixed into their bottles). We go see Robin tomorrow. After the assessment, Dr. Dave` will decide if Isi needs an endoscopy (camera down the throat). Isi and Oli both have had upper GI's. Neither were concerning. Anyway that is kind of where we are at this point. I will keep you updated. I have begged Steve to download the cameras to the computer so I can share pics with you. We are having pictures next weekend, so hopefully I'll have some great pictures to share.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Here we go!

I know I should have started this months ago, but I'm not computer savvy AND I've been a little busy. Miranda actually created this blog for here we go. Most of you know the story, but I'll tell it again if you don't mind. I woke up this day (October 12th) and something told me I just didn't feel right. After much discussion, well not really, Steve and I were off to the hospital. This is the day that forever changed our lives. Shortly thereafter, our two little miracles were born. I wept when I heard them cry for the first time. It was AMAZING!! Here Steve and I were, parents of healthy twin girls. We had tried for so long and here we were. Time flew by so fast. Now we had two little people to care for. Miranda was so excited too!! Of course she couldn't let us know, but we could tell. It was so funny to see Steve in his Smurf outfit. What a proud Daddy! He wore that blue suit with pride. Well it's late and I'll continue the story later. Like I said earlier, not so computer savvy so it takes me a while to post.