Thursday, August 20, 2009

It hurts me more than it hurts you....

You know I used to think my parents were so mean and didn't know how much they were hurting me when I got a spanking. Then when I spanked Miranda for the first time, I knew exactly what they meant. I felt so bad, it hurt my soul. Needless to say, I didn't spank her much longer after that.

Well I think it's the same thing when your child is hurt. Last night Oli was crawling on the wood floor and fell flat on her face. I thought maybe she would have a bump on her forehead, but no. I picked her up and was consoling her when I noticed blood all over my shoulder. The poor thing was bleeding from her mouth. Of course I start freaking out and Steve runs into the house from the back yard. He takes a look and she tore her frenulem. I felt so bad, I can't even express it. She is all over the place and is real fast when crawling. I suppose her little hands were sweaty (like her daddy) and they just slipped out from under her.

This morning I wake up to Steve telling me she crawled up on a bin in her room and fell off, frightening her self. Thank goodness she wasn't hurt.

It totally rips my heart out when any of my children are hurt. i get upset when Miranda is upset by her friends. Ya know typical teenage stuff that we all went through. But I really get upset when the babies fall or bump their heads. I think I was less aware of what could happen when Miranda was a baby and didn't freak out. Not so much with the twins. I completely freak out now. Poor babies having to put up with that!